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Become your own best friend
Silence Your Inner Critic, Tame the Overwhelm, and Step into a Life of Clarity and Confidence.
Silence Your Inner Critic, Tame the Overwhelm, and Step into a Life of Clarity and Confidence.
Your adventure to authenticity starts here.
If your name tag would say, "Hi, I'm Overwhelmed"...

Or if these feel like your life story …
There's a voice inside that doubts your every move, making you second-guess even the smallest decisions, and leaving you in fear of both failure and success
The fear of displeasing others and being told off, as irrational as it may be, keeps you trapped in perfectionism and procrastination.
The cycle of people-pleasing and seeking approval from others means that your own desires have been neglected and you’ve ended up with roles and responsibilities that don't resonate with who you truly are, or what you want
Struggling with boundaries leaves you feeling stressed, taken advantage of, and like you’re constantly meeting others' needs while neglecting your own. And your fear of having honest conversations isn’t helping.
Daily demands, expectations, and choices leave you feeling like you can’t focus on what matters to you. Come to think of it, when was the last time you thought about what you actually want?
The Flow Collective is for you.

Our biology classes may have failed to teach this...
but the truth is:
You’re not victim to some howling wind of hormonal fate or storm of stress responses.
It’s time you discover the mindset coaching typically reserved for CEOs and bigwigs, the nervous system & cycle education you never got, and an authentic community that’s truly rare in a world of comparison & competition.

All you need is a willing attitude and a pinch of commitment to journey from feeling stuck & depleted to confident & thriving.

Imagine yourself …
Trusting yourself implicitly, making decisions with ease, and moving forward with confidence.
Being your biggest cheerleader instead of your harshest critic.
Taking care of your own needs and desires without needing permission from others first.
Making choices that reflect your true desires, not the expectations of others.
Having open, honest communication with others, healthy boundaries and your relationships are balanced and fulfilling.
Overwhelm is replaced with clarity and purpose, and you navigate each day with a clear sense of direction. You feel in control, empowered, and excited about the journey ahead.

“I've tried so many times to take control of my health, but it's never stuck, and I've always been left feeling disheartened and frustrated, and tired, and as though it were not in my own power to heal.
But with Maisie, not only have I been learning so much new stuff and seeing things in completely new lights—she always gives such a sense of power and helps you realise your own power and that we have so much untapped power. She also doesn't sugar coat things or pretend that you're supposed to feel ‘happy’ and ‘great’ all of the time …
She cuts the bullshit and makes you feel so much peace with the challenges and ups and downs of life.”
Angel | The Flow Collective member
"I always checked in with others—with supervisors, with parents, with friends— to figure out whether the decision I was making was the right one.
That's something I really deconstructed in The Flow Collective.
I realized I'm giving my power away all the time because I'm making what people think of my situation matter much more than what I think of the situation.”
Maria Carmen | Ph.D. candidate & menstrual health expert
The Flow Collective member

When you join The Flow Collective, you’ll get access to:
90-Day Inner Odyssey. Embark on a transformative journey with my NEW signature course.
Group Coaching Calls, plus our library of past calls (collecting pearl after pearl of wisdom, whether you're the one being coached or not).
BIPOC Exclusive Calls. We have two additional calls a month that are solely for our BIPOC members to get coached.
Unlimited written coaching from our team of experienced coaches (literally priceless)
Private, members-only podcast. Prefer to listen on the go? We’ve got you covered. Listen to our coaching sessions anytime, anywhere with our members-only podcast.
Regular Workshops & Webinars. Stay updated with the latest strategies, tools, and insights (makes up for all the bad advice you’ve been given at family gatherings).
Worth £890 per month … all for less than the cost of a single 1:1 coaching call!
Get Started for £97 per month
BONUS: Your 90-Day Inner Odyssey
Join today and experience my new signature course that will equip you with the tools, insights, and strategies you need to navigate life's challenges with confidence, clarity, and compassion. Here's what your transformative journey looks like:
First 40 Days: Expedition Orientation
Discover the tools that will serve as your foundation for the journey ahead. This is everything you should have been taught in school but weren't:
- Self-Coaching Mastery: You'll learn a simple, repeatable method to overcome self-doubt, silence your inner critic, and reclaim control of your life.
- Emotional Navigation: Understand the ebb and flow of your emotions, recognizing their origins, and using them as guides rather than obstacles.
- Nervous System Mapping: Decode your reactions, understand your stress responses, and navigate life with a newfound sense of calm and understanding.
- The Cycle Strategy: The Four Seasons of You: Learn to chart and work with your menstrual cycle, understanding it's phases and rhythms, and harnessing its power.
By 60 Days: Inner Compass Calibration
Deepen your connection with the tools and strategies you've learned, tuning into your intuition, thoughts, and emotions. You'll cultivate a deeper trust in yourself, making decisions with clarity and conviction.
Time to immerse yourself in my self-love challenge. This isn't about self-improvement, it's about self-acceptance. You'll learn to embrace every facet of yourself with love, compassion, and understanding.
By 90 Days: Self-Acceptance
You'll emerge from your Inner Odyssey with a profound understanding of your inner world. From here on, every day becomes a celebration of your authentic self, free from the pressures of perfection, and ready to focus on going after what you want in life.
Through being in true community with others, where I have been able to truly be myself, I have been able to be seen, heard and celebrated.
I have learnt that where I thought there was shame, there was inspiration to others, the things I hid were actually struggles that others could relate to.
By getting coached and sharing my self coaching I’ve completely changed my self concept and how I see myself"
Stephanie | The Flow Collective member
I have more clarity about why I do and feel things, which makes things feel less complicated. More joy & ease & spaciousness. I have changed the way I think about my goals and career, have accepted a different path, and not going with what I 'should do'.
I approach work and connect to people around work in a more authentic way, from connection.
I’m not trying to prove myself all the time anymore. I have already proven myself, and I know my worth."
Evelien | The Flow Collective member

I know that if you have even an inkling that this is for you, some part of you needs to be unlocked from the box that society’s put you in.
You’re ready to send your self-critic packing … but first you need to understand why you feel so tired and snappy one day & so cheery the next.
All you need is a little education & encouragement to thrive.
The choice to spend your hard-earned money, even for your own wellbeing, isn’t something I take lightly. People regularly tell me that The Flow Collective is worth so much more than a certain number of pounds per month. However, if you enter The Flow Collective and decide it's not for you, it's simple to unsubscribe.
In the meantime, here are some Q&As to help you make a confident decision:

When you join The Flow Collective, you’ll get access to:
90-Day Inner Odyssey. Embark on a transformative journey with my NEW signature course.
Group Coaching Calls, plus our library of past calls (collecting pearl after pearl of wisdom, whether you're the one being coached or not).
BIPOC Exclusive Calls. We have two additional calls a month that are solely for our BIPOC members to get coached.
Unlimited written coaching from our team of experienced coaches (literally priceless)
Private, members-only podcast. Prefer to listen on the go? We’ve got you covered. Listen to our coaching sessions anytime, anywhere with our members-only podcast.
Regular Workshops & Webinars. Stay updated with the latest strategies, tools, and insights (makes up for all the bad advice you’ve been given at family gatherings).
Worth £890 per month … all for less than the cost of a single 1:1 coaching call!
Get Started for £97 per month
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